This Fight is Our Fight: The Battle to Save America's Middle Class by Elizabeth Warren
May 1, 2017

Elizabeth Warren: Trump’s 100 Days

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren talks about Donald Trump’s first 100 days in office—why his policies are bad for working families, and why we have to keep fighting back.

Books from this Author

This Fight Is Our Fight

This Fight Is Our Fight

The Battle to Save America's Middle Class

The fiery U.S. Senator from Massachusetts and bestselling author offers a passionate, inspiring book about why our middle class is under siege and how we can win the fight to save it

About the Author

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren is the senior U.S. Senator from Massachusetts. A former Harvard Law School professor, she is the author of ten books, including A Fighting Chance, a national bestseller that received widespread critical acclaim. One of nation’s most influential progressives, she has long been a champion of working families and the middle class. The mother of two and grandmother of three, she lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with her husband, Bruce Mann.

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  1. Elizabeth Warren for President!


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